Saturday, September 8, 2012

Pier to Pier swim

Labour Day has meant the annual Pier 2 Pier swim for the last 4 years... Although this would be only my 2nd time swimming it. 2 years ago it was cancelled after we all showed up on a beautiful day to find it a glorious 45F and last year I kayaked because my arms were "broken" by the Lake crossing.  I was slightly worried it would be too cold again after our night swim Friday had us pretty frozen, but she had warmed up enough to even go naked, which I always favour!  Bill decided to take the zodiac out and be boat support, and it was kind of fun getting a boat ride to show up at the start of the race, while everyone else jumped off the pier, I jumped off the zodiac.  It was a nice gentle wavy swim from the Hamilton pier to the Burlington pier.  
The somewhat funny part is after the swim we loaded a bunch of friends on the boat to take them back to the start and then notice the boat police patrolling the water and we only had one life jacket, having forgotten the others in the car.  So only Bill boats back, I took a nice jog along the beach.  Just got back to the lift bridge when it starts dinging that it is going up, happy I was able to cross before it went up...

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